The iconic Erica Slaughter has battled nightmares and monsters for over half a decade, but her journey is only just beginning...
Discover a groundbreaking new story in the Slaughterverse universe, marking the final issue of the character-defining Year Zero arc before the release of Something is Killing the Children #0!
What terrifying trials will Erica need to overcome in her formative origins before we return to the present, and the next chapter of her adventure?
This milestone issue features a premium "5 Year" commemorative foil stamp variant cover by Werther Dell'Edera, as well as additional terrifying variants by Jenny Frison, Guillem March, and Brian Stelfreez!
Diamond Code JUN240039
UPC 84428400737540021
Discover a groundbreaking new story in the Slaughterverse universe, marking the final issue of the character-defining Year Zero arc before the release of Something is Killing the Children #0!
What terrifying trials will Erica need to overcome in her formative origins before we return to the present, and the next chapter of her adventure?
This milestone issue features a premium "5 Year" commemorative foil stamp variant cover by Werther Dell'Edera, as well as additional terrifying variants by Jenny Frison, Guillem March, and Brian Stelfreez!
Diamond Code JUN240039
UPC 84428400737540021