cover by mike allred
peter milligan/mike allred
Wolverine pops up as Peter Milligan and Mike Allred continue to turn theworld of mutants on its head! The Orphan comes face-to-face with his parents!U-Go Girl must decide just how much she wants to be leader! The terrible truthbehind the Boyz R Us massacre is revealed! And Doop meets up with an oldfriend... snikt! "Media attention. Money. Groupies. Drugs. Alcohol. Egos.Torn-up hotel rooms, Betty Ford clinics, and public tantrums. You've seen it allbefore — but on the news and in the tabloids, not in comic books. Irecommend X-FORCE — for the stout of heart. It's not pretty, but it'spretty darn good." - CaptainComics.net