You are not ready for what's in store!
Damian Wayne is the son of the Bat, grandson of the Demon, and Robin--but as he nears the age at which his father traveled the world, one question is on his mind: Who is Damian outside of the crusades his family has tasked him with fighting since birth?
When he starts to look beyond his life of endless violence, a different way to help the world begins to present itself--but when an enigmatic new murderer begins reenacting traumatic crimes from Gotham's history, Batman will need Robin more than ever before!
It's a whole new dynamic for the Dynamic Duo as the powerhouse team of Phillip Kennedy Johnson (Superman: Warworld Saga) and Javier Fernandez (King Spawn, Nightwing) bring you the dark and mystifying next chapter in the lives of Bruce and Damian Wayne!
Diamond Code AUG243420
UPC 76194138050601411