• THE SCOOP: Master crime writer Greg Rucka and CABLE's Igor Kordeypresent a gritty, uncompromising tale of Russian international espionage agentYelena Belova - the new Black Widow!
• THE STORY: When her former mentor is found brutally murdered in aMoscow bondage club, Belova must go deep undercover to find the killer. Torn byself-doubt and divided loyalties, she descends into a world of deadly games anddeadlier predators! With sensual covers by Greg Horn (ELEKTRA), BLACK WIDOW:PALE LITTLE SPIDER is a smart and sexy adventure that could only be told underthe freedom of the MAX imprint!
• GREG RUCKA SPEAKS: "Yelena has pretty much been dominated eversince she began her training to be the Black Widow. That's the nature of thatsort of training: 'You will learn these things, you will go this way - you didit well, you will be rewarded. You did it bad, you will be punished.' Now, she'sin the bondage scene where all of her skills are applicable, but not readilyso.You can't walk into a bondage club, grab somebody around the throat, throwthem to the floor and say, 'Tell me what I want to know!' and expect them tocough it up. If they don't what are you going to do? What if they don't tell youjust so you do hit them again, but harder, because they're getting turned on?When that does happen, Yelena is going to give an 'Ewww!' that will be acombination of her being repulsed and perhaps a little turned on herself."
• THE WARNING: Contains explicit content. Recommended for adultreaders.
• THE FORMAT: Each issue of this three-issue, monthly series is 32pages, with ads.