Beyond the fantasy worlds of Death Dealer, Conan and the rest, master artist Frank Frazetta also explored the far reaches of science fiction with Buck Rogers and John Carter of Mars. Now, Frazetta's epic painting DAWN ATTACK springs to life in collaboration with Frazetta Girls!
New York Times Bestselling writer Jody Houser (Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins) and professional gamemaster and writer Eric Campbell (Geek & Sundry) joins world renowned artist Diego Yapur (Death Dealer, X-O Manowar) to bring you the next expansion of the FrazettaVerse!
New York Times Bestselling writer Jody Houser (Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins) and professional gamemaster and writer Eric Campbell (Geek & Sundry) joins world renowned artist Diego Yapur (Death Dealer, X-O Manowar) to bring you the next expansion of the FrazettaVerse!