Writer Scott Hoffman (Nostalgia, Wag) of Scissor Sisters fame teams up with artist Alberto Ponticelli (Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E., Goodnight Paradise, Orc Island) for a sci-fi/horror mystery that pushes the limits of the grotesque.
New York City, over two decades into the future, has been devastated by crime, ongoing storms, radiation from a terrorist incident in Times Square and the genetic mutations caused by a life-saving "cure." After a series of murders rip through the city's brothels, an escort named Vin Young, who cosplays as Snow White- and is one of the generation of deformed victims - decides to help
find the killer, or killers, responsible, reluctantly joining forces with Jarrod Hannover, the lone cop assigned to the case. The two are led to a biotech megacorp launching a cellular metal called Warm Fusion - a pioneering technology meant to replace prosthetics limbs - and soon confront the sociopathic scientist Nicholas Fleischer, his monstrous alter-ego Mr. Barnaby, and the hideous monster that he's been secretly creating.
WARM FUSION is a dark, sci-fi thriller, mixing the body horror of David Cronenberg with the bleak urban future of Blade Runner.
Diamond Code SEP241148
UPC 61499847360100111
New York City, over two decades into the future, has been devastated by crime, ongoing storms, radiation from a terrorist incident in Times Square and the genetic mutations caused by a life-saving "cure." After a series of murders rip through the city's brothels, an escort named Vin Young, who cosplays as Snow White- and is one of the generation of deformed victims - decides to help
find the killer, or killers, responsible, reluctantly joining forces with Jarrod Hannover, the lone cop assigned to the case. The two are led to a biotech megacorp launching a cellular metal called Warm Fusion - a pioneering technology meant to replace prosthetics limbs - and soon confront the sociopathic scientist Nicholas Fleischer, his monstrous alter-ego Mr. Barnaby, and the hideous monster that he's been secretly creating.
WARM FUSION is a dark, sci-fi thriller, mixing the body horror of David Cronenberg with the bleak urban future of Blade Runner.
Diamond Code SEP241148
UPC 61499847360100111