Devastation in Gotham City! Following the events of a massive explosion in midtown, Batman and Superman pick up the pieces to learn who rigged the Atomic Skull like a bomb...and will they do it again? All will be revealed as the horrific plan of the Ultra-Humanite rains terror down on the lives of the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel!
Release Date: 07/28/2020
Category: Comics
Writer(s): Joshua Williamson
Artist(s): Clayton Henry
Cover Artist(s): Clayton Henry
UPC: 76194136270001011
Price: $3.99
Devastation in Gotham City! Following the events of a massive explosion in midtown, Batman and Superman pick up the pieces to learn who rigged the Atomic Skull like a bomb...and will they do it again? All will be revealed as the horrific plan of the Ultra-Humanite rains terror down on the lives of the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel!
Release Date: 07/28/2020
Category: Comics
Writer(s): Joshua Williamson
Artist(s): Clayton Henry
Cover Artist(s): Clayton Henry
UPC: 76194136270001011
Price: $3.99